Thursday, January 27, 2011

New RRA Board

I find it curious that the new RRA Board wants to continue into the investigation of the termination of the previous director rather than embracing their committment to be policymakers for a public authority commissioned to protect the environment and residents of Ulster County.  The Board did have a joint meeting with Kevin Roberts Governmental Administration Committee where they past a resolution "Authorizing a Joint Committee to be Established" Wow, an quasi-governmental authority authorized the Legislature to do something?  The RRA Board also changed its monthly meetings to coincide with the Governmental Administration Committee, although Al Teetsel questioned whether the regular working folk would be able to make their meetings at three in the afternoon.

With that, there was a Freeman article on January 26th quoting RRA Board members as questioning the credibility of employees statements regarding previous management but saying they would be available to anyone wanting to discuss their concerns.  Would you show up in an office and spill your guts only to open yourself up to being reprimanding or become part of a party to a law suit?  How about going on the Wadnola/Teetsel show as a new member with two meetings under your belt, and answering questions about the RRA - did you take a crash course? 

It seems that no one has taken a step back that should be.  Anyone affiliated (employee or RRA Board member) should be staying away from the RRA right now, and an outside consultant should be brought in.


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